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Pēpuere February Panui / Newsletter
Ngaru nui, ngaru roa, ngaru paewhenua
Shout out to local champion, Cr Moko Tepania as we recognise World Water Day
This could be you?
Our latest pānui 'Pārongo'
A seed represents the promise of life
Ā toihoa - Video coming soon
Happy New Year Tātou Ma! Ma!
Hune our latest Panui / Newsletter
What is workplace wellbeing?
Calling for communities to embrace outdoor learning
Hauora, positivity, learning, nutrition
Nau mai e Tawhi - we welcome our new crew member
Ākuhata our latest Panui / Newsletter
Takahia ngā arawhiti o Te Whā Nōta
Providing a window into the Māori world view
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua - Looking backwards towards the future.
Healthy Families Far North welcome five new staff to Te Whaingaroa
Healthy Families Far North to review kai policy with QRC
Far North clubs work together to ensure whānau can play in safe spaces
Elizabeth Motu: Bringing Mātauranga Māori to the forefront
Rohe Wars: Village Games hit home for whānau and iwi in the Far North
Edible playground kaupapa, Nau mai haere mai
Rereata Mākiha named Senior New Zealander of the Year 2022
Edible playground unearths budding kaitiaki in the rohe
Welcome to the team, Waimatangi Hotere!
Nominations open for Ngā Puanga awards
Sophia Beaton: Unlocking opportunities inside the Far North
Building a food secure and resilient rohe with kaumatua and kuia of Whangaroa
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Haratua
Healthy Families Far North embrace Puanga to navigate journey ahead
'More than just a game': Wāhine and kōtiro lace up for new competition
Kerikeri embrace the power of pūrākau through play
Pakihi kai: Nau mai, kōrero mai
Healthy Families NZ release National Play Impact Report
Raising the walls of Te Whare Tapa Whā through sport
Te Amo Pūtoro unveiled to nurture intergeneration play
WHST release new report
Tāmokohia te whenua enriching lives through play
Generosity beyond pūtea. What does that look like in sport?
Kāeo’s mission to growing a food resilient community one seed at a time
Healthy Families Far North reflect on 2022
Welcome to the team, Rachel Smith!
Better together: How pūrākau is inspiring new ways to play in our kura
Healthy Families NZ release Local Government Impact Report
Exploring a Healthy Environments Approach to Waitangi Day
Rangatahi take the lead in co-designing new māra hūpara
Community voice shapes new food and wellness hub in Whangaroa
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Pipiri
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Hōngongoi
Welcome to the team, Tereana Ihakara!
Rangatahi design homegrown initiatives to support mental health and wellbeing in Te Hiku
How Puanga Matariki celebrations are restoring traditional practices for hauora
Bridging the gap: Enabling mokopuna decisions in Te Tai Tokerau
Hine Raumati: Celebrating a Whangaroa summer
Welcome to the team, Sasja Mazurkiewicz!
Ngā Raumaharatanga: Exploring new ways to whakamana whānau voice
Healthy Families Far North - A year in review
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Kohitātea/ Huitanguru
Taitamariki turn the tide of health reforms in Te Hiku ō Te Ika
Ngā rangatira o nāianei. Rangatahi of Moerewa take charge in reimagining Simson Park
Āio nuku, āio rangi – Elevating Mātauranga Māori and Kōrero Tuku Iho
Hauhake tū, ka tō a Matariki - Paving the way for new pathways to emerge
Understanding whānau experiences of health and wellbeing in the Mid-North
Kai Ora Fund: Understanding the impacts and potential opportunities for increasing kai resiliency
Simson Park mō āpōpō - Empowering rangatahi to take the lead
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Pipiri/Hōngongoi
Rangatahi explore kaitiakitanga in the Far North
Nga kaupeka o Hine Raumati: An introduction to the different phases of Hine Raumati
Rangatahi design new subsidy fund to boost sports participation in Te Hiku
He Manuao Subsidy Fund: Apply Now
10 Year Impact Report: Reshaping our systems for a healthier Aoteaoroa
Kai Ora Fund - Apply Today!
Honouring Kath Wharton: A legacy of system change
Youth-led fund boosts health and wellbeing of taitamariki in Te Hiku
Youth-led fund boosts health and wellbeing of taitamariki in Te Hiku
Honouring Kath Wharton: A legacy of system change
Kai Ora Fund - Apply Today!
10 Year Impact Report: Reshaping our systems for a healthier Aoteaoroa
He Manuao Subsidy Fund: Apply Now
Rangatahi design new subsidy fund to boost sports participation in Te Hiku
Nga kaupeka o Hine Raumati: An introduction to the different phases of Hine Raumati
Rangatahi explore kaitiakitanga in the Far North
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Pipiri/Hōngongoi
Simson Park mō āpōpō - Empowering rangatahi to take the lead
Kai Ora Fund: Understanding the impacts and potential opportunities for increasing kai resiliency
Understanding whānau experiences of health and wellbeing in the Mid-North
Hauhake tū, ka tō a Matariki - Paving the way for new pathways to emerge
Āio nuku, āio rangi – Elevating Mātauranga Māori and Kōrero Tuku Iho
Ngā rangatira o nāianei. Rangatahi of Moerewa take charge in reimagining Simson Park
Taitamariki turn the tide of health reforms in Te Hiku ō Te Ika
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Kohitātea/ Huitanguru
Healthy Families Far North - A year in review
Ngā Raumaharatanga: Exploring new ways to whakamana whānau voice
Welcome to the team, Sasja Mazurkiewicz!
Hine Raumati: Celebrating a Whangaroa summer
Bridging the gap: Enabling mokopuna decisions in Te Tai Tokerau
How Puanga Matariki celebrations are restoring traditional practices for hauora
Rangatahi design homegrown initiatives to support mental health and wellbeing in Te Hiku
Welcome to the team, Tereana Ihakara!
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Hōngongoi
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Pipiri
Community voice shapes new food and wellness hub in Whangaroa
Rangatahi take the lead in co-designing new māra hūpara
Exploring a Healthy Environments Approach to Waitangi Day
Healthy Families NZ release Local Government Impact Report
Better together: How pūrākau is inspiring new ways to play in our kura
Welcome to the team, Rachel Smith!
Healthy Families Far North reflect on 2022
Kāeo’s mission to growing a food resilient community one seed at a time
Generosity beyond pūtea. What does that look like in sport?
Tāmokohia te whenua enriching lives through play
WHST release new report
Te Amo Pūtoro unveiled to nurture intergeneration play
Raising the walls of Te Whare Tapa Whā through sport
Healthy Families NZ release National Play Impact Report
Pakihi kai: Nau mai, kōrero mai
Kerikeri embrace the power of pūrākau through play
'More than just a game': Wāhine and kōtiro lace up for new competition
Healthy Families Far North embrace Puanga to navigate journey ahead
He wāhi korero nā Healthy Families Far North: Haratua
Building a food secure and resilient rohe with kaumatua and kuia of Whangaroa
Sophia Beaton: Unlocking opportunities inside the Far North
Nominations open for Ngā Puanga awards
Welcome to the team, Waimatangi Hotere!
Edible playground unearths budding kaitiaki in the rohe
Rereata Mākiha named Senior New Zealander of the Year 2022
Edible playground kaupapa, Nau mai haere mai
Rohe Wars: Village Games hit home for whānau and iwi in the Far North
Elizabeth Motu: Bringing Mātauranga Māori to the forefront
Far North clubs work together to ensure whānau can play in safe spaces
Healthy Families Far North to review kai policy with QRC
Healthy Families Far North welcome five new staff to Te Whaingaroa
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua - Looking backwards towards the future.
Providing a window into the Māori world view
Takahia ngā arawhiti o Te Whā Nōta
Ākuhata our latest Panui / Newsletter
Nau mai e Tawhi - we welcome our new crew member
Hauora, positivity, learning, nutrition
Calling for communities to embrace outdoor learning
What is workplace wellbeing?
Hune our latest Panui / Newsletter
Happy New Year Tātou Ma!
Ā toihoa - Video coming soon
A seed represents the promise of life
Our latest pānui 'Pārongo'
This could be you?
Shout out to local champion, Cr Moko Tepania as we recognise World Water Day
Ngaru nui, ngaru roa, ngaru paewhenua
Pēpuere February Panui / Newsletter
Have your say
Pokaitia te whenua