
Over the last few months Healthy Families Far North been involved in supporting the development of the mid-north locality, engaging with whānau in our hapori to find out what's important to them when it comes to our health system.

Gathering whānau voice is a step that is often missed, and it is humbling to be welcomed into the lives of people from all walks of life – this got the team thinking about how they might acknowledge the kōrero heard across the rohe. Working alongside local artist Marita Hewitt, the team reflected on the mahi captured, transforming whānau voice into tāonga to gift back.

“All whānau contribution into this space has been highly valued and we believe reciprocation should be given for their contribution. This acknowledgment is part of forming good relationships and is an important part of tikanga Māori,” - Māori Systems Innovator, Elizabeth Motu.