
Nau mai ngā hua, nau mai ngā taonga, nau mai te mātahi o te tau, tau, tau ana e!

He wā whakaaroaro, a time to reflect, he wā whakanui, a time to celebrate, e kite ai te oranga tonutanga o te āpōpō, to anticipate what's coming in the future. As Matariki draws near, we take this opportunity to pause and reflect on the strides we've made over the past year. This marks a moment where we release kōrero and mahi we have undertaken, paving the way for new pathways to emerge.

E Panui

Matariki marks a period of harvest and planting, it is also a time for letting go, and for us it’s to conclude this year's mahi and signal the start of the new year by introducing new phases of mahi.  

This year, we are preparing for another pure ceremony with Tohunga Pāpā Rereata Makiha for our team, Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa and extending an invitation out to the wider hapori (community). He reminded us that this will be an opportunity to come together in recognition of the new year, these ceremonies can be practiced when required to ensure our taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, taha whānau and taha whenua are well. By doing so, the ceremony aims to create a sense of renewal, allowing people to enter the new year unburdened by the weight of the past. 

There is no better time than now to release these reports. This is an ideal moment for us to share kōrero with our hapori by showcasing the mahi we have been doing and highlighting how we work with whānau to elevate their voices. The pure presents us the opportunity to set our mahi free and embrace the potential of the future. Supporting whānau to return to Māori ways of being, enabling hauora for our mokopuna.

Following the guidance of a specific marama, our objective is to release all our reports before the ceremony, we'll be sharing these reports throughout this month.

Kia mau tonu mai e te iwi, stay tuned for the upcoming release of our reports in the weeks ahead.